21 March 2010

It's 2007 all over again

NEW YORK Som ni vet pågår slutdebatten om sjukvårdsförsäkringsreformen som bäst i Washington. Den senaste tiden har ju president Barack Obama rest runt för att plädera för sin linje – och han har verkligen låtit mer som en kampanjpolitiker än som den verkställande i Vita huset.

Denna video visar det färskaste framträdandet, från George Mason University i Virginia. Den påminner om hur det var när Obamas valrörelse var helt färsk, "då ingen kunde uttala mitt namn", som han säger i början av talet. Kolla på det! Som ni kommer att märka går studenterna igång med kampanjens slagord "Yes, We Can".

Talet finns transkriberat här. Utdrag:
"It’s a debate that’s not only about the cost of health care, not just about what we’re doing about folks who aren’t getting a fair shake from their insurance companies. It’s a debate about the character of our country about whether we can still meet the challenges of our time; whether we still have the guts and the courage to give every citizen, not just some, the chance to reach their dreams.

At the heart of this debate is the question of whether we’re going to accept a system that works better for the insurance companies than it does for the American people because if this vote fails, the insurance industry will continue to run amok. They will continue to deny people coverage. They will continue to deny people care. They will continue to jack up premiums 40 or 50 or 60 percent as they have in the last few weeks without any accountability whatsoever. They know this. And that’s why their lobbyists are stalking the halls of Congress as we speak, and pouring millions of dollars into negative ads. And that’s why they are doing everything they can to kill this bill."


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