04 July 2008

Obama fortsätter i Federleys fotspår

NEW YORK Jag har tidigare skrivit om hur det pågår en liberal/libertariansk svekdebatt mot Barack Obama här i USA, eller rättare sagt på nätet. Faktum är att debatten låter som en ren karbonkopia av den svenska!

Läs bara denna text i Washington Posts valkampanjsblogg The Trail (och jämför Obamas citat med exempelvis Fredrick Federleys Jag förstår besvikelsen). Utdrag ur The Trail:
In response to the group and a growing online controversy over his FISA stance, Obama took to his blog this afternoon to address concerns about his support for the intelligence surveillance bill.
"This was not an easy call for me," he wrote. "I know that the FISA bill that passed the House is far from perfect. I wouldn't have drafted the legislation like this, and it does not resolve all of the concerns that we have about President Bush's abuse of executive power... But I also believe that the compromise bill is far better than the Protect America Act that I voted against last year. The exclusivity provision makes it clear to any President or telecommunications company that no law supersedes the authority of the FISA court."
In addition to elaborating on his reasons for supporting the bill, Obama sought to reassure his online activists that he heard them. "Now, I understand why some of you feel differently about the current bill, and I'm happy to take my lumps on this site and elsewhere. For the truth is that your organizing, your activism and your passion is an important reason why this bill is better than previous versions," he wrote."...I cannot promise to agree with you on every issue. But I do promise to listen to your concerns, take them seriously, and seek to earn your ongoing support to change the country....
(Tipstack: A!)


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