15 March 2009

Kelly om "Recession Chic"-trenden

NEW YORK För ett år sedan satt jag och diverse andra bröllopsgäster och hängde i den lummiga trädgården på Sofitel Philippine Plaza i Manilla, däribland Kelly som då var uttråkad hälsotidningsredaktör och som drömde om ett roligare journalistliv.
Sedan träffade jag henne i somras, på ett frukostmöte för Obamas och Clintons donatorer, som hon skrev om för New York Magazine – och idag har hon en lång krönika publicerad i Washington Post! Kul att hon börjat skriva texter hon kan stå för.
Läs den välskrivna krönikan, det handlar om den i Kellys tycke fåniga recessionista-trenden (ja, detta gäller er – alla ni stockholmare med välavlönade jobb som har bättre ekonomi än någonsin, med sänkta räntor och skatter och diverse avdrag och allt vad det är!):
The recession-chic advice isn't for the people who actually need it. It's for the people who put their summer homes on the market, not those who've lost the only home they had. Because those are the people who have been reheating their Tupperware in the microwave for years. And when it comes down to it, if you need to be told that packing your lunch saves money, you're probably not someone who needs to pack your lunch. So please don't pretend that you are.

For those of us in the middle who were hovering just a tad too far above our means, perhaps this chic hyperbole can, at the very least, serve as a good reminder of gravity. Recently, I finished a loaf of bread before it went stale for the first time in years, thanks to my resurrected peanut butter sandwich habit. My brown-bagging grandfather, were he still alive, would be proud. Then he'd ask me why, gosh darnit, I hadn't been packing my lunch all along. Did I think I was rich or something?


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