NEW YORK GM:s rekonstruktion på Berlinmursnivå alltså (åtminstone enligt Siva Vaidhyanathan, vem det nu är).
"Court appoint President" syftar förstås på när amerikanska HD beslutade att George Bush hade vunnit elektorsrösterna i Florida 2000. När Boston vann ligan ... hm, det får någon annan utveckla.
Här finns en av många texter om GM och dess betydelse och symbolvärde, dess uppgång och fall – med en bild av en vacker fyradörrarssedan Oldsmobile från 1941.
Gunilla I am not a Red Sox fan however, when you mention Red Sox and I read you, many thoughts come to my mind. One of the first ones is Ted Williams; he really knew how to hit it out of the ball park in many different ways. At that time I gather there were no relief pitchers like Bruce Sutter, once of the Chicago Cubs(!). And yes I know…, Bill Buckner played with Bruce Sutter in Chicago, so let’s not “drop” the ball this time.
ReplyDeleteIt is anyway interesting to read about the last two series that Boston won and all the ones who stepped up to the plate. For many years people thought that there was a curse on Red Sox, that they would never win ever…The team proved them wrong! The curse reversed. There are “tons of books” written about it and so much symbolism. The “origin” of the curse is a story all by itself also.
Det ska bli intressant att följa de andra bloggarna som du nämner, men det kanske får bli efter valet. Ändå, intressant med allt röstfiske som pågår. And it will be interesting to see how the catch will look like!